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Hosting Thanksgiving in a Small Space

Thanksgiving is all about spending time with the people you're grateful for and, of course, feasting on delicious food. But if you've recently moved into your first apartment or have downsized into a smaller home for retirement, it might feel impossible to host Thanksgiving in your small space. The good news is, it’s not! Here are some tips on how to make the most of your small space so you can host Thanksgiving in style and cherish every moment with your guests. 

Decluttering Furniture Storage

Scale Back Your Menu

When you think of a Thanksgiving meal, you probably think of turkey, stuffing, pie, the whole shebang. But the great thing about hosting a Thanksgiving dinner is that you don’t have to go by the books. Poll your guests to see if they’re open to a less-traditional Thanksgiving (or Friendsgiving) meal. That way, you can save kitchen and counter space that these large thanksgiving meals typically take up. When brainstorming your menu, consider these comfort-food alternatives:

  • Lasagna
  • Baked Ham
  • Stuffed Squash
  • Homemade Turkey Pot Pie
  • Casseroles

As the owner of a small space, it’s likely that you may not have room for a slow cooker, microwave, air fryer, or pressure cooker in your kitchen. Consider hosting a potluck, where each guest brings an entree, side, or dessert to ease the burden of cooking. 

Make Use of Outdoor Space

If you live in an area with a mild climate, you may be able to move the party outdoors. A balcony and patio space presents a great opportunity to cook and host your thanksgiving gathering outdoors. Try these outdoor dining and cooking options:

  • Set up food tables outside topped with heated buffet servers.
  • Cook your turkey or other Thanksgiving fare on the grill.
  • Install a rented or purchased party tent outside your back door.
  • Place outdoor heaters between tables or seat guests around firepits.
  • Build a DIY pergola complete with heavy-duty curtains for a temporary outdoor “living room”.

Hosting Thanksgiving in a small apartment? Most apartment complexes have clubhouse spaces that you can rent and invite guests to. A lot of them come equipped with a full kitchen so you can do your hosting and cooking in one place!

Invest in Multifunctional Furniture

You don’t have to break the bank to optimize your space. Hit the thrift or discount stores in search of multifunctional furniture pieces that will help maximize the space in your home. Some of the most useful and space-saving pieces include:

  • Large ottomans with built-in storage that can double as coffee tables.
  • Wooden chests that store blankets and other items while providing a tabletop.
  • Coffee tables on wheels that can be moved to the dining area for kids’ seating.
  • Comfy benches with drawers that double as seating and a place to store seasonal table decor.

In addition to convenient multifunction furniture around your home, you could also ask guests to bring folding chairs and card tables for even more seating and dining areas. Just make sure you note what everyone is bringing ahead of time to ensure that you have the space you need.

Make the Most of Your Square Footage

Avoiding clutter is a must for anyone living in a small house or apartment. Too much stuff can make your place seem crowded and even smaller. Even if you keep a truly tidy home, there’s probably at least a little bit of clutter taking up valuable square footage. 

Instead of sifting through your belongings and deciding what you’d like to donate or sell, consider reserving a storage unit. There are storage units as small as a closet or as large as a warehouse available so you can stash away however much you need, either temporarily or long-term, to create more space in your home.

You don’t have to sacrifice your personality and style for an uncluttered look, though. Create drama with statement pieces like eye-catching napkin rings, a big autumn wreath, and simple, festive centerpieces at each table. 

Make Your Home Feel Spacious With Access Self Storage

Trying to figure out the best way to host Thanksgiving in a small space without that sardines-in-a-can feeling doesn’t have to be complicated. A little planning and some resourcefulness go a long way. Whether you’re just starting out in your first apartment or adjusting to a new phase in life in a new home, self-storage can help. 

Access Self Storage offers many self storage solutions that are affordable, trustworthy, and convenient. Just want to store over the holidays? No problem! Our month-to-month leases give you the flexibility to choose how long (or short) you’d like to store your belongings with us. With several storage facilities located all throughout New Jersey and New York, we’re just a few moments away. Visit us today to learn more about how Access Self Storage can keep you organized this Thanksgiving season!

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