Access Self Storage Blog

Meet Our Newest Team Member

Access Self Storage is proud to announce our newest team member, Manny Zamora. Manny has been hired as a Senior Operations Manager overseeing the operations of 6 of our self-storage centers.

Company News

Welcome Manny Zamora to Access Self Storage

While Manny is new to the Access Self Storage organization, he is no stranger to self-storage. After attending the Katherine Gibbs College, Manny began in the self-storage industry as a manager, working his way up through the ranks for nine years. He is a firm believer in achieving goals and getting the best results possible. “The best part of my job is seeing managers succeed,” says Zamora. The worst thing that could happen, he says, is not making any kind of impact. As a good manager knows, organization is key to success. “Working hard as a team towards mutual goals is the only way to truly make a business succeed, but I couldn’t do it without my Franklin Covey,” he says.

Manny married his high school sweetheart, Roxana, and is the father of two beautiful daughters Brenda and Angelina. He is a die-hard Red Bulls and FC Barcelona dan. When asked if he could be anything he wanted, his instantaneous answer is professional soccer player.

One (completely unscientific) way to gauge a person is to ask them to choose between Star Wars and Star Trek. Manny chooses Star Wars. As far as this blogger is concerned, he chose correctly!

Access Self Storage is pleased to welcome Manny to our ranks and look forward to his many contributions. Zamora says, “I am a firm believer in this quote: ‘Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.'”

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