Access Self Storage Blog

Improvements to Make Around Your Home Before the Baby Arrives

With a baby on the way, there's a lot that goes through your mind. Do you have everything you need ready before bringing them home? What's the cost of daycare around Oakland, NJ? Access Self Storage is here to offer quick tips on how to baby-proof your home and how to take advantage of storage space to make the transition easier with the arrival of your child.

Furniture Storage

3 Home Improvement Tips for a Baby-Proofed Space

Look out for hazards.

It’s a good idea to make those home improvement changes now before your baby is able to crawl around and get into things. Is there any exposed wiring? What about uncovered outlets? Is there anything that could topple over and injure your baby? Take note of everything, and make the necessary adjustments.

Make sure to buy a baby gate.

The kitchen isn’t the safest place for a crawling baby, especially if chemicals are within reach. A baby gate is more important than you might think. It not only keeps your little one out of harm’s way but also out of your way when you’re trying to cook and clean. A baby gate can also be used to block your child from climbing, going down the stairs, or crawling into bathrooms and other parts of the house.

Set up a baby monitor.

You’re going to need a break at some point, and what better time to get it than when your baby is fast asleep? But if you tend to be a worrywart and want to keep checking on your baby every 10 minutes, you’ll benefit from a video baby monitor. Use it to keep a watchful eye on your little one while you’re not in the room. It can pick up the slightest sounds and show everything that’s happening in real time.

Clear the Way for a Baby-Safe Home with Self Storage

Our storage units in Oakland, NJ, can really come in handy if you’re making way for a new baby or turning one of your bedrooms into a nursery. You can move the bed and furniture out and bring them into a unit, freeing up plenty of space for a crib, changing table, and other necessities for your infant. Plus, it’ll always be available for future use when you need to store items that your child has outgrown, such as their crib or baby clothes.

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